+34 96 313 42 04 info@eliwell.es
the advantages of using Eliwell IDNext controls in the summertime

the advantages of using Eliwell IDNext controls in the summertime

image of the Eliwell IDNext control with the drawing of a cell phone next to it which is a free downloadable APP.<br />
Eliwell IDNext is the new generation of refrigeration controls.

Optimize your cooling systems this summer with the advanced technology of IDNext controls.

Enjoy greater energy efficiency, accuracy and reliability in maintaining the ideal temperature, remote monitoring and an intuitive interface that makes it easy to use.

Save on operating costs and guarantee the quality of your products even on the hottest days.

With the arrival of summer, cooling systems face additional challenges due to rising temperatures.
To ensure that these systems operate efficiently and reliably, advanced technologies such as Eliwell's IDNext controls are essential.

Below, we explore the advantages of using these controls during the summer season.

Benefits of IDNext controls


1. Energy Efficiency
One of the greatest benefits of Eliwell's IDNext controls is their ability to improve energy efficiency.
Thanks to their advanced algorithms, these controls can significantly reduce energy consumption.
This is especially important in summer, when cooling systems work harder to maintain desired temperatures.
Energy efficiency not only helps reduce operating costs, but also contributes to environmental sustainability.
2. Accuracy and Reliability
IDNext controls are designed to provide exceptional accuracy in temperature maintenance.
This is crucial to prevent product losses and ensure product quality, especially in sectors such as food and pharmaceutical.
The reliability of these controls ensures that refrigeration systems operate optimally, even in the most demanding summer conditions.
Remote Monitoring
IDNext controls allow remote monitoring and control of cooling systems.
This feature is especially useful during the summer, when it is critical to be able to monitor and adjust systems in real time, regardless of location.
Remote monitoring facilitates proactive management and quick response to any potential problems, ensuring continuous and efficient operation.
4. Ease of Use
Eliwell's IDNext controls are designed with an intuitive interface for easy setup and monitoring.
This ease of use translates into time and resource savings, allowing staff to focus on other critical tasks.
During the summer, when cooling systems are under the most pressure, the simplicity and efficiency of these controls are of great value.
5. Adaptability and Scalability: IDNext is highly adaptable to different types of systems and applications.
In addition, its scalability allows it to be integrated into larger and more complex systems as business needs grow.

Eliwell's IDNext, a new generation of electronic controls designed to take refrigeration applications to the next level.
We now explore the technical applications and benefits that make IDNext a revolutionary option for the industry.

IDNext Technical Applications


Commercial Refrigeration Systems: IDNext is designed to optimize the performance of refrigeration systems in supermarkets, convenience stores and food and beverage establishments. Its ability to manage multiple parameters ensures that products are kept fresh and safe.

2. Industrial Refrigeration Equipment: In industrial applications, where precision and reliability are essential, IDNext offers advanced control and real-time monitoring. This is very important for facilities such as cold storage and food processing plants.

3. HVAC and Precision Cooling: IDNext is also applied in HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems and precision cooling, such as that used in laboratories and data centers. IDNext's ability to maintain consistent and accurate temperatures is vital in these environments.

Eliwell's IDNext represents a significant advance in the field of electronic refrigeration controls. Its technical applications range from commercial to industrial and precision systems, offering a range of benefits including energy efficiency, ease of use, advanced connectivity, and exceptional reliability.
For those looking to improve the performance and efficiency of their cooling systems, IDNext is the ideal solution. It not only optimizes current operations, but also prepares companies for future challenges in refrigeration management.

Click on this link to find out how to unlock an IDNext

Click on this link to see a video about the evolution of Eliwell electronic controls.

state-of-the-art image of an Eliwell IDNext display with blue LED signs and icons



Always with the personalized technical attention that defines us as a company:



96 313 42 04

New Eliwell Ibérica Catalogue 2024

New Eliwell Ibérica Catalogue 2024

Images of new products in the Eliwell Ibérica catalog
Cover New Eliwell Ibérica Catalogue 2024

Effective March 1, 2024


We invite you to discover all the new features of the new Eliwell Ibérica 2024 Catalog that will come into force on March 1st.

You will find the most complete range of electronic controls and systems for refrigeration, air conditioning and industry.

All of them designed to meet today's challenges of energy savings, maximum efficiency, decarbonization and lower environmental impact.

New Eliwell Ibérica Catalog

Here is a summary of the main new features:

  • New Memory NT Version 2 codes
  • New customizable EVA AIR boxes
  • New customizable KDX EVA enclosures
  • Accessories for EVA AIR and KDX EVA enclosures
  • New pushbutton and LKD protectors
  • New Free Optima programmable controller for compact machines
  • New Televis GO 10 codes
  • New Panel Server codes for wireless devices
  • New leak detectors LKDnext
  • New HVAC wall probes
  • New color-coded probes according to application

If you would like a printed catalog, please contact your sales manager directly or contact us at:


New equipment, new functionalities but always with the best personalized technical service that defines us as a company after 30 years in the market.



Improved interface, very simple and intuitive menus and total time and labor savings with the possibility to prepare the system before installation


Refrigerant leak detection and signaling with the new LKDNext leak detector. Compact size. Multileakage. Total security


is the leading PLC control solution for compact machines. With its touch screen and intuitive programming, your business will be a more efficient and sustainable place.


It is the most complete and customizable solution for your cold rooms.

In a single device you can manage all the functions of a camera.


Discover our new gateway for cybersecure communications with cloud connectivity. With Secure Interface, keep your communications secure and confidential

Image of the LKDNext, leak detector
image of Eliwell Ibñerica&apos;s Free optima
Image of Eliwell Ibérica&apos;s Secure Interface
Televisgo Version10 system image
Image of Eliwell Ibérica&apos;s customized cold storage boxes
Distribution Refrigeration
  • - New Memory NT Version 2 codes
    - New customizable EVA AIR boxes
    - New customizable KDX EVA enclosures
    - Accessories for EVA AIR and KDX EVA enclosures
    - New LKDnext leak detectors
    - New pushbutton and LKD protectors
    - New HVAC wall probes
    - New color-coded probes according to application
Refrigeration Installers

- New Memory NT Version 2 codes
- New customizable EVA AIR boxes
- New customizable KDX EVA enclosures
- Accessories for EVA AIR and KDX EVA enclosures
- New LKDnext leak detectors
- New pushbutton and LKD protectors
- New Televis GO 10 codes
- New Panel Server codes for wireless devices
- New HVAC wall probes
- New color-coded probes according to application

Manufacturers -OEMs Refrigeration HVAC

- New Free Optima programmable controller for compact machines
- New LKDnext leak detectors

Food Retailers
  • New Memory NT Version 2 codes
  • New customizable EVA AIR boxes
  • New customizable KDX EVA enclosures
  • Accessories for EVA AIR and KDX EVA enclosures
  • New leak detectors LKDnext
  • New pushbutton and LKD protectors
  • New Televis GO 10 codes

How to unlock IDNext

How to unlock IDNext

tutorial cover How to unlock an IDNext

How to Unlock an IDNext is motivated by the request of a customer who in the last training we did in Eliwell Ibérica asked us for a very graphic video to show it to the rest of the team.

Said and done. We sent it to you and also thought it was a good material to share with the rest of our installer and/or distributor customers.

There are two ways of unlocking: fast and permanent way.

In the following tutorial we show you in the most graphic way how to unlock an IDNext electronic control. Follow the video instructions step by step.

If you still have any questions, please contact Eliwell Ibérica's technical service at:

sat@eliwell.es / 96 313 42 05


More about IDNext

IDNext is the new generation of refrigeration controls. Multiprobe thermostats suitable for use in appliances equipped with flammable refrigerants as they comply with the IEC 60 335-2-89 standard

IDNext is compatible with most models of variable speed compressors available on the market. Auto-tuning function allows for easy configuration of the control

IDNext features a new additional defrost algorithm that improves defrost performance and allows upgrading existing chillers without any hardware changes

IDNext is Green Premium, Shneider Electric's eco-mark that certifies that the product complies with RoHs Directive and REACH regulation.






eliwel_icl product campaign special memeThe IC PLUS is one of the most representative families of Eliwell's product line for the industrial automation sector.

The models that integrate it are specially designed for the industrial automation sector, providing a large number of efficient solutions for both process control and machinery.

These controls have universal inputs for temperature, voltage and current sensors, Televis and Modbus communications. They are compatible with the most common supply voltages in the industry. These are some of the most valued features in this product range, in addition to its innovative design.

Its new design allows process control with improved visualization and an aesthetic that combines innovation and robustness. These devices have several contacts (dependent and/or independent) with the possibility of choosing between different types of probes, making them ideal solutions for the industrial sector.


thermostat, regulation, cooling, distribution, controlThe ID plus are part of the product range Eliwell in electronic control devices optimized for refrigerating installationsThese devices guarantee a high degree of quality and safety in the installations, maintaining the optimum temperature of fresh and ultra-frozen foods, while ensuring the best performance of the refrigeration plant obtaining high levels of energy savings.

Their great adaptability allows them to be valid for any type of refrigeration installation, be it a convenience store, supermarket or hypermarket, being optimal in the catering sector, where they allow the regulation of the cold/heat parameters in showcases and refrigerated cabinets.

Thanks to its new design, we obtain a greater visualization of the digits, the color icons allow a clearer and more intuitive reading of the display, adding to its greater configurability and ease of use. Pushbuttons provide direct access to its functions. Its great versatility makes it possible to reduce the number of codes, covering a maximum number of possibilities with a tighter warehouse. In addition, with a wide variety of colors, they allow customization of the control for the customer.

The simplest controller has one contact, capable of operating in both heating applications and in control of refrigeration units at various temperature settings.

It is a universal controller due to the features it has: multiprobe (NTC, PTC, PT1000), hot/cold, HACCP, TV/modbus, preloaded applications, unicard, 2 hp relay. Configurable buttons, relays and inputs.