+34 96 313 42 04 info@eliwell.es



Temperature and humidity process controls


EVOHT – includes EVK1000, EVO7500 and Trafo 25VA.
EWHT 5200P – includes SMP5200 controller + I/O cables + 11VA transformer + external relay for DO5.
“Temperature and humidity control. Fan speed management for the management of drying and controlled atmosphere processes.
“Integrates program management through thermal steps, air exchange cycles and stratification.
“Suitable for sectors such as: horticulture, meat, dairy, sausages and cheeses, gastronomy, floriculture, wood drying, leather, paper, marble…
EVOHT only – the datalogger function allows to obtain an accurate record of temperatures. The “chronology” menu allows you to access the temperature settings and to decide:
– Recording interval in minutes.
– Recording or not of the temperatures detected by the probes.
– The probes on which to record the temperature for later uploading to the COPY CARD via the USB port.
“Controls for:
– Humidifier
– Heat resistors
– Dehumidifier
– Compressor
– Evaporator fans
– Fans
– Light
– Defrosting resistors

Additional information


