+34 96 313 42 04 info@eliwell.es

FC Basicom / FP Plus


Controls for Fan Coil, standard thermostat


“Allows to control fan coil units of type: 2-tube, 2-tube with resistance, 4-tube.
“Applications in domestic, residential and small commercial areas.
Simple and intuitive to offer maximum comfort and precision with attention to energy savings.
Functions: Hot Start and Too Cool, Post Ventilation and Periodic Ventilation.
Economy input or Window contact.
Vertical installation facilitates installation on the machine.
“Electronic thermostat with analog aesthetics, simple and modern design.
“Valve control with on/off actuators, electrical resistors and 3 fan speeds.
LEDs indicating operation and probe alarm.
“Range limitation by means of microswitches.
“Air remote probe ( as accessory).

Additional information


FPU320 /B, FPU320 /S, FPU32E /B, FPU32E /S, FC U32W /ST Televis, FC U32W /SM Modbus
