+34 96 313 42 04 info@eliwell.es


Eliwell Ibérica collaborates with Tewis Smart Systems in the realization of a theoretical and practical day for various customers in the commercial and industrial refrigeration and air conditioning sector.

Attendees received training on different systems and solutions, as well as detailed information on recent refrigerant regulations. The integration of low environmental impact solutions that enable great savings and efficiency are of vital importance to both companies. For this reason, numerous studies and analyses are carried out in the R&D&I laboratory to guarantee the optimization of each installation.

The training day was attended by the Technical Director of Tewis, Javier Atencia, who presented the various solutions implemented in sectors such as retail, supermarkets, hypermarkets and logistics platforms.

The EWCM EO regulation and control devices and the LKD leak detectors were the stars of the day; the LKDs detect refrigerant leaks in installations. The EWCM EO range regulates the operation of the condenser according to the outside temperature, achieving higher performance and greater working efficiency. According to studies carried out in commercial areas of approximately 1,500m2, the average saving reaches 18%. In addition, these Eliwell control systems offer remote management and remote information analysis, making them highly recommended for centralized monitoring of several installations.

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The Levante delegation of Salvador Escoda organizes as every year its traditional Escoferia, an event on air conditioning and refrigeration in which numerous companies in the sector and among which is as maximum reference in refrigeration and control devices, Eliwell.

From Eliwell Ibérica we wanted to present at this important event the new integrated solutions for comply with regulations for the year ended December 31, 2008. refrigeration regulations and metrological control for cold rooms and refrigeration installations, these systems have been entirely designed by our R+D+i laboratory located in the facilities of the technology park in Valencia.

The excellent organization by Salvador Escoda, allowed those attending this event to participate in various theoretical and practical sessions. Eliwell Ibérica conducted several trainings on the use and maintenance of our devices and our technical-sales team attended the visitors, expanding the information of our products and presenting the new on-line platform eliwellstore, a tool for our customers. In this way, users can find out all the information about Eliwell in just one click: technical data sheets, quotations, availability of material, configurations, etc.

All the attendees enjoyed this festive day and enjoyed the escopaella, a spectacular multitudinous meal where customers, suppliers and friends of the company gather to share a day already consolidated.

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This week part of Eliwell’ s technical and commercial team has traveled to Portugal to give several in-company trainings at our customers’ facilities.

These technical trainings are very operational for customers with a large staff, as they allow them to keep the whole team up to date on the latest developments in the industry and enable them to provide timely advice to their customers for the installation of Eliwell products and services.

Eliwell’s head office is also grateful for this type of actions that keep us in contact with our customers and promote the prescription and advice on real cases.

For more information on these activities, we recommend that you request information from the sales manager in your area or contact us directly by e-mail at eliwell@eliwell.es.


training, control, regulation, refrigerationKeeping up to date and passing on the latest news is of vital importance in the industrial refrigeration sector. That is why Eliwell Ibérica is committed to training and customer service.

Our training sessions are aimed at installers, distribution companies and engineering companies that want to expand their knowledge of our products,management and control systems, or keep informed of the latest regulations.

Training in our laboratory and at our customers’ facilities.

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