+34 96 313 42 04 info@eliwell.es


Confidentiality and security are ELIWELL IBERICA, S.A.'s primary values and, consequently, we are committed to guaranteeing the User's privacy at all times and not collecting unnecessary information. Below, we provide you with all the necessary information about our Privacy Policy in relation to the personal data we collect, explaining:

  • Who is responsible for the processing of your data.
  • For what purposes we collect the data we request from you.
  • What is the legitimacy for its treatment.
  • How long we keep them.
  • To which recipients your data is communicated.
  • What are your rights and how to exercise them.


2. PURPOSES, LEGITIMACY AND CONSERVATION of the processing of data sent through:

  • Contact Form.

Purpose: To provide a means for you to contact us and answer your requests for information, as well as to send you communications about our products, services and activities, including by electronic means (e-mail, SMS, etc.), if you check the acceptance box.

Legitimation: The user's consent by requesting information from us through our contact form and checking the box to accept sending information.

Retention: Once your request has been resolved by means of our form or answered by e-mail, if it has not generated a new treatment, and in case you have accepted to receive commercial mailings, until you request to unsubscribe from them.

  • Sending e-mails.

Purpose: To answer your requests for information, respond to your requests and answer your questions or doubts. In case we receive your Curriculum Vitae, your personal and curricular data may be part of our databases in order to participate in our present and future selection processes.

Legitimation: The user's consent when requesting information from us via email address or sending us their data and CV to participate in our selection processes.

Retention: Once your request is answered by e-mail, if it has not generated a new treatment. In the case of receiving your CV, your data may be kept for a maximum of one year for future selection processes.

Obligation to provide us with your personal data and consequences of not doing so.

The provision of personal data requires a minimum age of 14 years or, where appropriate, the minimum age established by the applicable data protection regulations and/or sufficient legal capacity to contract.

The personal data requested are necessary to manage your requests, register you as a user and/or provide you with the services you may contract, therefore, if you do not provide them, we will not be able to attend you correctly or provide you with the service you have requested.

In any case, we reserve the right to decide whether or not to include your personal data and other information in our databases.


Your data is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation.


This website may use cookies, but in no case they treat personal data, capture user browsing habits or are used for advertising purposes, and therefore are exempt from compliance with the obligations established in Article 22 of the Law of Services of the Information Society. However, the user consents to the use of cookies to enable us to communicate between the user's computer and the network, provide a service expressly requested by the user, user authentication or identification (session only), provide user security, media player sessions, load balancing sessions, user interface and plug-in customization, and exchange social content. However, the user can disable and/or delete these cookies by following the instructions of his/her browser.


Any person may withdraw their consent at any time, when it has been given for the processing of their data. In no case does the withdrawal of this consent condition the execution of the subscription contract or the relationships previously generated.

You may also exercise the following rights:

  • Request access to your personal data or its rectification when it is inaccurate.
  • Request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.
  • Request a restriction of your treatment in certain circumstances.
  • Request opposition to the processing of your data for reasons related to your particular situation.
  • Request data portability in the cases provided for in the regulations.
  • Other rights recognized in the applicable regulations.

Where and how to request your Rights: By writing to the responsible party at its postal or e-mail address (indicated in section A), indicating the reference "Personal Data", specifying the right you wish to exercise and with respect to which personal data.

In case of disagreement with the company regarding the processing of your data, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es).


In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, we inform you that we have taken all necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the personal data provided from alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access.


In order for us to keep your personal data updated, it is important that you inform us whenever there has been any change in them, otherwise, we are not responsible for the veracity of them.

We are not responsible for the privacy policy regarding personal data that you may provide to third parties through links available on our website.

This Privacy Policy has been updated on 17/06/2024 and may be modified to adapt it to changes that occur on our website, as well as legislative or jurisprudential changes on personal data that appear, so it requires reading, each time you provide us with your data through this website.


ELIWELL IBÉRICA, S.A. is a company specialized in the field of engineering and marketing of technology for industrial refrigeration, specifically in marketing, development and assembly of hardware and software for the control and instrumentation of refrigeration systems, air conditioning and industrial processes.

In its desire to improve its management and its structure, ELIWELL IBÉRICA, S.A. has decided to apply the UNE EN ISO 9001 Standard in order to meet multiple requirements.
By adopting the requirements of this standard and the Management procedures, it confirms the will of a constant improvement, investing both in professionalism of resources and in technological innovation of the product; in this way it wishes to ensure a growing commitment to the improvement of the customer service and the satisfaction of the customer and of the internal resources.

For all the above mentioned, according to what is established and required by the UNE EN ISO 9001:2015
ELIWELL IBÉRICA, S.A. guarantees its commitment of
to market safe products and under regulations, establishing its responsibility to supply a "compliant product" to the customer, for which it establishes as permanent objectives: a continuous and constant control of the context where the companies operate, the assessment of external and internal factors, the constant monitoring of the status of potential risks, compliance with ISO 9001 requirements through a continuous and constant process of improvement in the activities, also establishing the following objectives, whose achievement must be pursued constantly:

  • customer satisfaction, with constant monitoring of market demands/requirements
  • compliance with the requirements set forth by customers and applicable laws and regulations in force.
  • to be competitive in the market at a technological and economic level in order to meet our commitments.
  • fostering a positive and constructive business climate
  • to extend the Quality Policy to internal and external resources, providing training based on quality principles to all the organization's personnel, as well as encouraging their active participation.
  • to monitor and control our activities exhaustively, following the procedures and maximizing our efforts to achieve the established objectives, in order to achieve a continuous improvement of both the Quality Management System and the provision of our services.
  • keeping the company in a sound economic position through effective administrative management of cost/benefit analysis;
  • assume responsibility for manufacturing safe and compliant products for customers
  • to maintain constant control of the market and competition (prices, technology, innovations);
  • implement the search for innovative technical/productive solutions suitable to improve Quality, optimizing - whenever possible - the operational/management structure;
  • to implement a constant professional updating of the personnel;
  • to constantly involve the personnel through periodic meetings where specific objectives and commitments are established;
  • Use failures as a tool for improvement and prevention.

Finally, the Management of ELIWELL IBÉRICA, S.A. is committed to the development, application and communication of this Policy, as a reference framework and model to be followed by the entire Organization, as well as to its periodic review, adapting it to the reality of the company at all times.


In ELIWELL IBÉRICA SA, purchasing management is a critical process that is aligned with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Our objective is to guarantee the quality and conformity of the products and services purchased, thus ensuring the satisfaction of our customers and compliance with regulatory requirements.


This policy applies to all suppliers and purchasing processes of ELIWELL IBÉRICA SA, covering the selection of suppliers, the receipt of products and services, and the control of their quality.

Supplier Selection

Suppliers will be selected based on their ability to meet our specifications and quality standards.
For this purpose, the following criteria will be evaluated: Quality of the products provided and Quality of the service provided.

Follow-up and Control

In application of point 8.4.3 of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, we inform you that our systematic monitoring and control of the performance of the services provided by our suppliers is done through the verification of the products and / or services performed, and their conformity with the specifications indicated in the purchase orders, in addition to their receipt under the agreed conditions.
In case of incident, and depending on the impact it has on the products offered in ELIWELL IBÉRICA SA we will request information about them and the appropriate actions for their solution, and in extreme cases, the termination of the business relationship with your company.

Reception and Verification

All products and services received will undergo a verification process to ensure that they meet the specifications set forth in the purchase orders.
This process will include:

  • Visual and functional inspection.
  • Verification of documentation and conformity certificates.
  • Specific tests according to the nature of the product or service.

Incident Management

In case of detecting any incident with the products and/or services received, we will proceed as follows:

  1. Immediate communication to the supplier about the nature of the incident.
  2. Internal evaluation of the impact of the impact on our products and services.
  3. Implementation of corrective and preventive actions to avoid recurrence of the incident.

In the event that the incidents persist and significantly affect the quality of our products and services, ELIWELL IBÉRICA SA reserves the right to terminate the business relationship with the supplier.

This purchasing policy is essential to ensure that ELIWELL IBÉRICA SA maintains high quality standards in its products and services, ensuring the satisfaction of our customers and compliance with applicable regulations.